Lab Genomics
Laboratory of Evolutionary Genomics


Evolution of ion channels in cetaceans: a natural experiment in the tree of life.

Uribe, Cristóbal et al.

Scientific Reports, v. 14, n. 1, p. 17024, 2024.

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Breathing Air and Living Underwater: Molecular Evolution of Genes Related to Antioxidant Response in Cetaceans and Pinnipeds.

Selleghin-Veiga, Giovanna et al.

Journal of Molecular Evolution, p. 1-17, 2024

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Divergent sensory and immune gene evolution in sea turtles with contrasting demographic and life histories.

BP Bentley, T Carrasco-Valenzuela, EKS Ramos, H Pawar...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (7), e2201076120

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The molecular evolution of genes previously associated with large sizes reveals possible pathways to cetacean gigantism.

Silva, F. A. ; Souza, E. M. S. ; Ramos, E. ; Freitas, L.A. ; Nery, M. F. .

Scientific Reports, v. 13, p. 67, 2023

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Adaptive evolution of hearing genes suggests multiple evolutionary paths for dolphin echolocation in different environments.

L Magpali, M Freitas Nery, L Freitas, E Karen Sousa Ramos, ...

bioRxiv, 2023.01. 10.523466

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Molecular Footprints on Osmoregulation-Related Genes Associated with Freshwater Colonization by Cetaceans and Sirenians.

Ramos, Elisa et al.

Journal of Molecular Evolution, p. 1-17, 2023.

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Patterns of enrichment and acceleration in evolutionary rates of promoters suggest a role of regulatory regions in cetacean gigantism.

Ramos, Elisa et al.

BMC Ecology and Evolution, v. 23, n. 1, p. 62, 2023.

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A phylogenetic review of cancer resistance highlights evolutionary solutions to Peto’s Paradox.

MF Nery, M Rennó, A Picorelli, E Ramos

Genetics and Molecular Biology 45 p. e20220133

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Positive selection in multiple salivary gland proteins of Anophelinae reveals potential targets for vector control.

BP Bentley, T Carrasco-Valenzuela, EKS Ramos, H Pawar...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 120 (7), e2201076120

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Dos tentilhões de Darwin ao combate da pandemia: um olhar histórico e atual sobre a importância da Teoria Evolutiva.

SILVA, Felipe André; NERY, Mariana Freitas.

Revista da Biologia, v. 22, n. 2, p. 1-7, 2022.

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Evolução Humana através da gamificação.

MC Baltazar, MF Nery

Genética na Escola 16 (2), 466-473

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The evolutionary history of manatees told by their mitogenomes.

ÉMS de Souza, L Freitas, EK da Silva Ramos, G Selleghin-Veiga, ...

Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3564 p. 3564

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Expansions and contractions in gene families of independently-evolved blood-feeding insects.

ÉMS de Souza, L Freitas, EK da Silva Ramos, G Selleghin-Veiga, ...

Scientific Reports 11 (1), 3564

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Unraveling the Molecular Evolution of Blood Coagulation Genes in Fishes and Cetaceans.

JPV Mariz, MF Nery

Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 592383

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Analyses of RAG1 and RAG2 genes suggest different evolutionary rates in the Cetacea lineage (vol 117, pg 131, 2020).

BC Dias, MF Nery


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The role of selection in the evolution of marine turtles mitogenomes.

EKS Ramos, L Freitas, MF Nery

Scientific Reports 10 (1), 1-13

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Building genomic infrastructure: Sequencing platinum-standard reference-quality genomes of all cetacean species.

PA Morin, A Alexander, M Blaxter, S Caballero, O Fedrigo, M Fontaine...

Marine Mammal Science 36 (4), 1356-1366

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Genome-wide analyses reveal drivers of penguin diversification.

JA Vianna, FAN Fernandes, MJ Frugone, HV Figueiró, LR Pertierra, ...

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117 (36), 22303-22310

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Latitudinal diversity gradient and cetaceans from the perspective of MHC genes.

ML Andreani, L Freitas, EKS Ramos, MF Nery

Immunogenetics 72 (6-7), 393-398

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Bringing to light the molecular evolution of GUX genes in plants.

RH Gallinari, RD Coletta, P Araújo, M Menossi, MF Nery

Genetics and Molecular Biology 43

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Present and prospects of research on neotropical mammals using genomic approaches.

MF Nery, EKS Ramos

Mastozoología neotropical 27, 101-119

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Analyses of RAG1 and RAG2 genes suggest different evolutionary rates in the Cetacea lineage.

BC Dias, MF Nery

Molecular immunology 117, 131-138

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Gene fusion of heterophyletic gamma-globin genes in platyrrhine primates

JI Arroyo, MF Nery

Journal of genetics 97 (5), 1473-1478

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The coming of age of conservation genetics in Latin America: what has been achieved and what needs to be done

JP Torres-Florez, WE Johnson, MF Nery, E Eizirik, MA Oliveira-Miranda...

Conservation Genetics 19, 1-15

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Selection on different genes with equivalent functions: the convergence story told by Hox genes along the evolution of aquatic mammalian lineages

MF Nery, B Borges, AC Dragalzew, T Kohlsdorf

BMC evolutionary biology 16, 1-9

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Molecular evolution of HoxA13 and the multiple origins of limbless morphologies in amphibians and reptiles

ME Singarete, MB Grizante, SR Milograna, MF Nery, K Kin, GP Wagner...

Genetics and Molecular Biology 38, 255-262

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Increased rate of hair keratin gene loss in the cetacean lineage

MF Nery, JI Arroyo, JC Opazo

BMC genomics 15, 1-9

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At-sea abundance and spatial distribution of South American sea lion (Otaria byronia) in Chilean Northern Patagonia: How many are there?

L Bedriñana-Romano, FA Viddi, JP Torres-Florez, J Ruiz, MF Nery...

Mammalian Biology 79, 384-392

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Genomic organization and differential signature of positive selection in the alpha and beta globin gene clusters in two cetacean species

MF Nery, JI Arroyo, JC Opazo

Genome biology and evolution 5 (12), 2359-2367

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A historical feeding ground for humpback whales in the eastern South Pacific revisited: the case of northern Patagonia, Chile

R Hucke‐Gaete, D Haro, JP Torres‐Florez, Y Montecinos, F Viddi...

Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems 23 (6), 858-867

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How to make a dolphin: Molecular signature of positive selection in Cetacean Genome

MF Nery, DJ González, JC Opazo

PLoS One 8 (6), e65491

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Accelerated evolutionary rate of the myoglobin gene in long-diving whales

MF Nery, JI Arroyo, JC Opazo

Journal of molecular evolution 76, 380-387

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Whole-genome duplication and the functional diversification of teleost fish hemoglobins

JC Opazo, GT Butts, MF Nery, JF Storz, FG Hoffmann

Molecular Biology and Evolution

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Resolution of the laurasiatherian phylogeny: Evidence from genomic data

MF Nery, DJ González, FG Hoffmann, JC Opazo

Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution

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